Inside Iowa State
June 6, 1997
Child care center to open in August
by Linda Charles
The new child care center located at Veterinary Medicine should be in operation by August, Iowa State officials say.
The new daycare center is expected to be completed in July. University officials are seeking an independent contractor to run the center, which will provide room for 84 children between the ages of six weeks and 12 years.
In a recent report to the State Board of Regents, ISU officials highlighted other child care efforts for this fiscal year and next.
By the end of FY98, 40 new infant care slots will be available through the efforts of the Story County Infant Care Network. The network, funded with local and federal monies, was established to increase the number of infant slots available in family child care homes. When fully operational, the network will provide care for about 65 newborns through 2-year-olds.
Officials will continue to investigate alternative models for school-age child care, and monitor and evaluate the demand for child care services on campus.
Officials also will explore options for providing new child care facilities to replace existing services in Pammel Court, using university facilities for recreational programs for school children when public schools are not in session, and increasing infant care and care services for children with special needs.
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Revised 6/5/97