Inside Iowa State
May 16, 1997
Wellness program plans progress
by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate May 6 gave the go-ahead for continued negotiations on a wellness program at Iowa State.Senate president-elect Denise Vrochta, adjunct assistant professor of journalism and mass communication, presented what she called a starting point for negotiations with administration.
Under the initial plan, the program would provide wellness information to ISU employees through a center, World Wide Web page and other media. The on-campus center, staffed by a director and two graduate assistants, would offer resource materials and consultations to campus departments.
The initial proposal calls for $101,522, which would cover equipment, supplies, personnel and training.
Among ISU employees responding to a 1993 health survey, 53 percent said they experienced a high stress life, 45 percent said they were overweight, 38 percent reported chronic back pain and 33 percent, high cholesterol.
In other business, the senate:
- Passed a resolution honoring Norm Boyles for his many contributions to the university. Boyles will retire in June.
- Remembered Turgut Demirel, emeritus professor of civil and construction engineering, who died March 25, and Richard Ray Dague, professor of civil and construction engineering, who died in October 1996.
- Will meet from 4 to 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, beginning in September 1998. Meetings next year will continue to begin at 7:30 p.m.
The senate is adjourned for the summer. The next meeting will be in September.
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0516/senate.htmlRevised 5/15/97