Inside Iowa State
May 16, 1997
Bowers new P&S Council president
by Anne Dolan
Rob Bowers, patrol coordinator for the department of public safety, was elected 1997-98 president of the Professional and Scientific Council at its May meeting. This year's president, Jim Meek, was elected vice president, and Valrey Kettner, associate director of the contracts and grants office, was elected secretary/treasurer. The two at- large seats on the council's executive committee went to benefits specialist Jan Flick and Bob Basham, development officer for the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.In other council action, the P&S recipients of 1997 Superior Service awards from the Alumni Association were announced. Ann Coppernoll-Farni, undergraduate program coordinator in the College of Business; Karsten Smedal, former director of admissions; and Anita Nimtz, administrative specialist in microbiology, immunology and preventive medicine (Ag) will receive the awards in October during Homecoming weekend. (Three merit staff also will receive the award.)
The award recognizes non-faculty employees of the university for outstanding service to students, alumni and the university. Employees with at least 10 years of service to ISU are eligible.
The next council meeting begins at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 4, in 244 Memorial Union. From 1 to 2 p.m., Meek will lead an orientation session for new council members.
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Revised 5/15/97