Inside Iowa State
May 16, 1997
Film series offers chance to see some films that sped through town
by Anne Dolan
The lines in the Memorial Union food court all but disappear and competition for the best rows in the parking lots lessens. But another really good reason to be at Iowa State during summer session is the aptly-named "I- Blinked-and-Missed-It" film series.Selected and funded by the Committee on Lectures, the series features talked-about titles from the last 10 or 12 months that may have had relatively short runs in the local theaters. Some, in fact, didn't make it to Ames at all.
The series opens Thursday, June 12, with Cold Comfort Farm, and closes Thursday, July 24, with The Grass Harp. In between are 11 other wannabe classics such as Matilda (June 17), Michael Collins (June 24), Shine (July 15), Fly Away Home (July 2) and Fargo (June 26).
There is no admission to the films, all of which begin at 7:30 p.m. in one of the Memorial Union's large meeting halls. With the exception of Fly Away Home, which shows on a Wednesday because of Independence Day (the holiday, not the movie), the series runs on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For specific titles and locations, check future issues of Inside Iowa State or the calendar on the ISU Web homepage.
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Revised 5/15/97