Inside Iowa State
May 2, 1997
Simon Estes will speak at undergraduate commencement
by Anne Dolan
More than 2,500 students will receive degrees from Iowa State during commencement ceremonies May 9- 10. Tickets are not required for any ceremonies.In the first ceremony of the weekend, 260 students will receive master's degrees and 90 will receive doctoral degrees during the graduate commencement at 8 p.m. Friday, May 9, in C.Y. Stephens.
At a noon ceremony Saturday, May 10, in Stephens, 91 veterinary students will receive D.V.M. degrees. Merry Crimi, president of the American Animal Hospital Assn., will speak.
James Roth, distinguished professor of veterinary medicine, will give the graduate commencement address.
And an estimated 2,100 undergraduates will receive bachelor's degrees during a 2 p.m. ceremony Saturday in Hilton Coliseum. Iowa native and world-renowned opera bass-baritone Simon Estes will give the commencement address and will sing. Estes also will receive an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Iowa State during the ceremony.
Estes grew up in Centerville and studied music at the University of Iowa for about seven years before enrolling in the Juilliard School of Music, New York City. He has performed with every major international opera company and many of the world's finest orchestras. He has established several scholarship foundations for disadvantaged children.
Iowa State is awarding the honorary degree for "extraordinary achievements in operatic music, philanthropy and generosity to disadvantaged children."
Again this spring, the ISU colleges will honor their undergraduates during special programs Saturday morning. A schedule of college convocations is on page 8. There also will be two on-campus luncheon options following the college events.
Students and guests in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are invited to a brunch buffet from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Maple-Willow-Larch dining center. Tickets are $9 for adults and $5 for children ages 3-12. Reservations are requested by Monday, May 5. Call 4-3607.
Students and guests in all colleges are invited to a lunch buffet in the Scheman Building. Serving for students and guests in the College of Engineering will be from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the first floor lobby. Serving for students and guests from all other colleges will be from noon to 1 p.m. in the second floor lobby. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children ages 3-12. Reservations should be made by today, May 2, with the Student Alumni Association, 158 Memorial Union, 4-8488.
Spring semester '97
Friday, May 9
8 p.m. Commencement, graduate students, speaker, James Roth, ISU Veterinary Medicine (College of Education reception immediately follows, Stage Door Lounge, Scheman), Stephens, 4-1674
Saturday, May 10
9 a.m. Ceremony, College of Agriculture, 8:30 a.m. reception, Stephens, 4-8653
9 a.m. Ceremony, College of Business, speaker, J. Scott Johnson, Norwest Bank, Ames City Hall auditorium,
515 Clark Ave., 4-8430
9 a.m. Ceremony, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Hilton Coliseum, reception follows, 4-3607
9:30 a.m. Ceremony, College of Education, 10:30 a.m. reception, Lied Center, 4-8175
9:30 a.m. Ceremony, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 8:30 a.m. reception, Sun Room, Memorial Union,
4- 0864
9:30-11 a.m. Reception and program, College of Engineering, various rooms, Scheman, 4-9988
10 a.m. Ceremony, College of Design, 9:30 a.m. reception, College of Design atrium, 4-7428
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Brunch buffet, students and guests of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, adults $9, children 3- 12, $5, Maple-Willow-Larch dining hall, reservations by May 5, 4-3607
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch buffet, students and guests of all colleges, serving engineering students and guests 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m., first floor lobby; serving all others noon-1 p.m., second floor lobby, Scheman, adults $12, children 2-12, $6, reservations by May 2, 4-8488
Noon. Commencement, College of Veterinary Medicine, speaker, Merry Crimi, American Animal Hospital Assn., Stephens, 4-0772
2 p.m. Commencement, undergraduate students, speaker, Simon Estes, opera singer, tickets not required, Hilton,
4- 2754
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Revised 5/1/97