Inside Iowa State
May 2, 1997
Faculty promotions, tenure awarded
Twenty-two faculty members recently were promoted to professor, while another 33 were awarded the rank of associate professor. Following is a list of those who received promotion and/or tenure (those with rank in more than one college are listed under each college).
College of Agriculture
Promotion to professor (currently have tenure): Stephen K. Barnhart, agronomy; J. Arne Hallam, economics; Michael Lee, agronomy and zoology and genetics; Jonathan A. Sandor, agronomy; Hal S. Stern, statistics
Promotion to professor (collaborator without tenure): Douglas D. Buhler, agronomy; Kendall R. Lamkey, agronomy
Promotion to associate professor (currently has tenure): Thomas D. Glanville, agricultural and biosystems engineering
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Linda Ambrosio, zoology and genetics; Joan E. Cunnick, microbiology, immunology and preventive medicine and psychology; Alan A. Dispirito, microbiology, immunology and preventive medicine; Mark S. Kaiser, statistics; John D. Lawrence, economics; Sarah M. Nusser, statistics; Donald S. Sakaguchi, zoology and genetics; Howard D. Tyler, animal science; Daniel F. Voytas, zoology and genetics
Promotion to associate professor (collaborator without tenure): Marcus E. Kehrli Jr., microbiology, immunology and preventive medicine and animal science; David A. Laird, agronomy; Sally D. Logsdon, agronomy
College of Business
Promotion to professor (currently has tenure): Michael R. Crum, transportation and logistics
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: James M. Kurtenbach, accounting
College of Design
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: William F. Conway, architecture
College of Engineering
Promotion to professor (currently has tenure): Kenneth L. Bergeson, civil and construction engineering
Promotion to associate professor (currently has tenure): Thomas D. Glanville, agricultural and biosystems engineering
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Sachin Sapatnekar, electrical and computer engineering; Judith M. Vance, mechanical engineering
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
Promotion to professor (currently have tenure): Cynthia N. Fletcher, human development and family studies; Suzanne Hendrich, food science and human nutrition
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Cathy Hui- Chun Hsu, hotel, restaurant and institution management (retroactive to July 1, 1996)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Promotion to professor (currently have tenure): Brenda O. Daly, English; Danny Douglas, English; David Fernandez-Baca, computer science; Richard C. Freed, English; Eric R. Henderson, zoology and genetics; Carl E. Jacobson, geological and atmospheric sciences; Steven D. Kawaler, physics and astronomy; Hal S. Stern, statistics; John Stufken, statistics; Michael Tringides, physics and astronomy; George P. Work, music
To tenure as associate professor: Janice E. Buss, biochemistry and biophysics
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Joan E. Cunnick, psychology and microbiology, immunology and preventive medicine; Scott W. Hansen, mathematics; Kristen M. Johansen, zoology and genetics; Mark S. Kaiser, statistics; Kathy S. Leonard, foreign languages and literatures; Francis R. Mariner, foreign languages and literatures; Sarah M. Nusser, statistics; Tom W. Rice, political science; Donald S. Sakaguchi, zoology and genetics; Joseph A. Tiffany, anthropology; German Valencia, physics and astronomy; David L. Wallace, English; Susan F. Yager, English
Promotion to associate professor (currently has tenure): Kathy A. Parsons
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Edward A. Goedeken, Wayne A. Pedersen, Tyler O. Walters, Gregory J. Wool
To tenure as associate professor: Gordon S. Rowley
College of Veterinary Medicine
Promotion to professor (currently has tenure): Ronald K. Myers, veterinary pathology
Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Claudia J. Baldwin, veterinary clinical sciences
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0502/faculty.html< br>Revised 5/1/97