Inside Iowa State
May 2, 1997
Stadium turf wins award
Jack Trice Field was named the collegiate football field of the year by the Sports Turf Managers Association, a not-for- profit association of more than 900 sports turf professionals. The association annually recognizes top field turf management in four sports areas: baseball, softball, football and soccer.
Following a $1.2 million fund-raising campaign, Iowa State installed natural grass in the football stadium last May. The field had sported an artificial surface since it opened in 1975.
Friends award
Myrna Whigham, adjunct assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, received the State Friend of Mathematics award from the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The award recognizes leadership and continuing support of mathematics and math education in Iowa.
Whigham, who is on the council's board of directors, has conducted several research studies related to math education and coor-dinated summer workshops for math and science educators for several years. She is one of only six to be honored with this award in the council's 25-year history.
Elected fellow
Vijay Vittal, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has been elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Fewer than one in 1,000 IEEE members are elected fellows, the institute's most prestigious honor.
Vittal was cited "for contributions to the development of the transient energy function method and its application to power system dynamic security assessment," and for "leadership in power engineering education and research."
Service recognition
Kenneth McConnell, professor of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics, received the 1997 D. J. Michelle Award of the Society of Experimental Mechanics. McConnell was recognized for exemplary service and support in promoting the science and educational aspects of modal analysis technology.
McConnell was elected a fellow of the society in 1985.
College of Ag awards
At its spring semester convocation, the College of Agriculture presented annual awards to the following faculty and staff members:
Gary Atchison, professor of animal ecology, received the Outstanding Teacher Award. Atchison has taught or helped teach 22 courses since joining the faculty in 1978 and has developed or contributed to the development of 15 courses in toxicology, fish biology, pollution ecology, wildlife and agriculture, and environmental issues.
Donald Beitz, distinguished professor of animal science and of biochemistry and biophysics, received the Outstanding Adviser Award. Beitz has advised students for 28 years and has been a mentor for many undergraduate students conducting research in several ISU honors programs.
Darlene Fleig, clerk typist in the agronomy department, received the Merit Award for Achievement and Service. Fleig, a staff member since 1985, provides clerical support for 19 faculty and staff members and numerous graduate students.
Ronald George, professor of agronomy, received the Louis Thompson Award for Scholarly Achievement in Teaching. George has taught more than 9,200 students in 13 different agronomy courses since joining the faculty in 1969.
Robert Hartzler, associate professor of agronomy, received the Raymond and Mary Baker Agronomic Excellence Award. Hartzler is widely recognized for his research on weed management and crop-weed interactions. He leads the weed science issue team in the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.
Gaylan Scofield, system support specialist in the department of agricultural education and studies department, received the Professional & Scientific Award for Achievement and Service. Scofield provides computer support for his department and for clients in the Brenton Center for Agricultural Instruction and Technology Transfer.
National president
Janie Barnett, associate director in the Office of Student Financial Aid, was elected president of the National Student Employment Association, a 600-member group of university and corporate professionals who direct or are affiliated with student employment programs. She currently also serves as president of the Midwest Association of Student Employment Administrators.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0502/awards.htmlRevised 5/1/97