Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1997
New solar car to hit the road
by Dean Fiihr, New Service intern
Team PrISUm, ISU's student solar car team, is busy putting the final touches on its new car and then the team is going to hit the road. The brightly colored car, called ExCYtor, will be participating in a number of activities in the coming weeks in preparation for Sunrayce 97.
This weekend, ExCYtor will be part of the Veishea parade and will be included in the Team PrISUm open house, Saturday, April 19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the Sweeney Hall garage.
After Veishea, the solar car team will pack up the car and head for the land of the sun (Arizona) to take part in Sunrayce 97 qualifiers. At the qualifiers, judges will put the new car through several tests designed to demonstrate its various features and prove its race-worthiness. It's a major test for all solar car teams hoping to compete in Sunrayce 97, which begins in Indianapolis, June 19, and ends in Colorado Springs, June 28.
Those who want to help support the car can adopt a solar cell. For a $25 tax-deductible donation, participants can sponsor one of the more than 900 solar cells on the car. Contributors receive an adoption packet that includes a certificate and the location of the adopted cell. The $25 covers the cost of buying, connecting and weatherproofing one cell.
For more information on the adopt-a-solar-cell program, contact Team PrISUm, 110 Marston, 4-0899.
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Revised 4/17/97