Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1997
P&S Council: Athletic department backs ticket discounts
by Anne Dolan
At its April meeting, the Professional and Scientific Council opposed a suggestion to drop the 20 percent discount for faculty and staff who purchase season tickets in football or men's basketball and asked for more information on a plan to restructure extension in the College of Agriculture.An error in a Des Moines Register story April 2 indicated faculty and staff might lose their season ticket discount next year to help the athletic department make up for an unanticipated cut in student fee revenues. Tom Kroeschell, director of athletic media relations, said the athletic department has not proposed dropping the season ticket discount for faculty and staff, and that students made the suggestion as a way to boost department revenues.
"There will be no such proposal coming from the athletic department," Kroeschell added.
The council's response to a presentation by vice provost for extension Stan Johnson and Agriculture dean David Topel generally was positive. At the council's March meeting, the two detailed plans to involve more College of Agriculture faculty and staff in extension activities and program extension resources on a project basis. However, the council noted several concerns and requested responses from Johnson or Topel on:
The mechanics of developing and implementing projects.
The need to protect the image and visibility of ISU extension among Iowans as extension functions are woven into the colleges.
The possibility of less job security for staff and non- tenured faculty due to the project framework.
The need to educate and train unfamiliar faculty and staff in extension education skills.
Ensuring that Iowans' needs that don't fall within the boundaries of approved projects aren't overlooked. In other business:
Anne Swift, coordinator of the Financial Counseling Clinic offered in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, gave a presentation on setting and keeping a budget, during the open forum preceding the meeting. Swift offered tips on making a spending plan, using credit cards wisely, getting out of debt and saving money. Faculty, staff and students may use the clinic, located in 1085 Elm Hall. The phone number is 4-9533.
Bob Basham reported that almost $7,000 in gifts and pledges has been given to the new P&S Professional Development Fund through Campaign Destiny: The Drive Within. The fund helps P&S employees cover the costs of professional development activities. Others who want to contribute to the fund should fill in account no. 0700118 on the "gift designation line" on their campaign pledge cards.
Rob Bowers will serve as vice president of the council until June. Ralph Knox, who was elected to the position last year, left the university this month.
Council members elected in the March election are: External Affairs--Bob Basham, ISU Foundation; Ames Lab/IPRT- -Sylvester Merritt and Kay Lampe Hannasch, Ames Lab; Extension--Ron Irvin, Cedar Rapids; Student Affairs-- Judy Minnick, Registrar's Office, and Mariama Hodari, Student Support Services; Academic and Research--Greg Bal, department of human development and family studies, Stephenie Elliott, College of Engineering administration, Brian Espeland, ERI Tech Services, Danette Kenne, economics department, and Jody Sanders, Rural Health Center. Officers for the 1997-98 year will be elected at the May 1 meeting, which begins at 2 p.m. in the Memorial Union Gold Room.
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Revised 4/17/97