Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1997
Funds available for grant preparation
by Linda Charles
Nearly $125,000 of the funds set aside to help fund proposal preparation for significant collaborative research still is available, says Provost John Kozak.President Martin Jischke set aside $250,000 for the Preparation of Proposals for Major Grants Program this fiscal year, Kozak said. The program was designed to help groups of at least three ISU principal investigators defray the costs of submitting proposals for major project grants, such as those funded by National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health.
The funds can be used to cover such costs as:
Summer salary support for authors (B-base faculty only).
Salaries for secretaries, writers to polish the proposal and others (with special justification).
Travel expenses to collaborating institutions or funding sources or to visit consultants or bring consultants to Iowa State.
Limited supplies. Faculty must submit a proposal for the funds to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research. Include an outline of the grant proposal; the period when the proposal will be written; the name of the agency to which the proposal will be sent, how much will be requested, the agency's criteria and matching fund requirements; list of sponsored funding obtained by the principal and co-principal investigators during the past five years; and a budget for the funds you are requesting.
A panel of associate deans for research and faculty and staff peers in the appropriate colleges will review the proposals. They will look for proposals with special merit, larger groups of investigators whose roles are vital to the research, groups with proven track records and a clear knowledge of the funding source and requirements, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary proposals, and proposals that support the strategic plan and program areas from major administrative units.
All tenured, tenure-track and P&S employees at a P17 level or higher are eligible to apply. Proposals may be submitted anytime, but the fund must be used by Oct. 1. More information is available through the Provost's Office Web page or by calling Sonja Klocker, 4-6344.
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Revised 4/17/97