Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1997
P&S professional day set
by Anne Dolan
Professional and Scientific employees are invited to participate in a first-of-its- kind professional development conference sponsored by the P&S Council, the Provost's Office and the Training and Development Office. The day-long event will be held Tuesday, May 27, at the Holiday Inn Gateway Center, Ames. It is open to all university P&S employees, although registration will be limited to about 280, due to space restrictions. Brochures were mailed to all P&S employees last week.The higher cost of most external professional events and, for some employees, a lack of job-applicable seminar options are two prime motivators behind the council's decision to organize a professional development day, said Darlene Gluck, chair of the conference planning committee.
"This conference is a low-cost, general appeal event that we hope will get P&S employees to look at their employment and their responsibilities a little differently," she said. "We think participants will receive some tools to be better employees and accomplish some things in their careers."
Judy Campbell, president of J.C. Strategies, Katy, Texas, will give the keynote presentation after lunch. She will explore individual reactions to change and analyze issues -- from global to personal -- that affect the work world. Campbell was involved in developing The New Work Habits, selected as one of the 10 best training programs in 1995.
Interim vice president for student affairs Dan Robinson will start the day with a talk on leadership and professional growth. Other speakers, from within and outside the university, will discuss preparing to change careers at ISU, getting involved in the local community, mentoring in the workplace, continuous active learning on the job, and improving professional marketability.
The conference costs $25 before April 30, and $30 after. For more information or to request a brochure, call 4-8914.
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Revised 4/17/97