Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1997
Volunteer assistors complete training
by Anne Dolan
Thirty-six volunteers completed training last month as assistors. Part of Iowa State's ongoing effort to eliminate sexual harassment on campus, the assistors serve as information resources for employees or students who feel they are being sexually harassed. The assistors program began in 1994 and about 75 percent of the assistors have served in that role since; the rest are new this spring.The assistors network is being used, according to a survey of assistors completed last year. Of 34 surveys returned, 19 assistors reported "assisting" from one to 10 people. The individuals who sought out assistors included faculty, P&S and merit staff and students.
"We know that people are using the system, but we'd still like to spread the word on the assistors program," said Sharon Drake, manager of Training and Development. "It's a good place to start, to at least get some information."
Assistors are in offices all over campus and individuals may contact any of them. They don't have to use the assistors in their departments.
Under the guidelines of Iowa State's sexual harassment policy, assistors may provide information about the policy and options for stopping alleged sexual harassment. Informal options include notifying the alleged harasser's supervisor, confronting the alleged offender directly or sending him or her a letter. Formal action involves filing a complaint with Iowa State's Affirmative Action officer, who completes an investigation.
Assistors may only provide information; they may not serve as advocates for, or on behalf of, alleged victims of sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment Assistors
Claudia Baldwin, 1825C Vet Med, 4-4900
Brenda Behling,107 Beardshear, 4-8236
Janet Bennett, 203 Library, 4-6933
Don Broshar, 109 Curtiss, 4-3283
Rhonda Christensen, Storm Lake, (712) 732-5056
Sally Deters, C2115 Maple-Willow-Larch, 4-7616
Jean Dirks, 117 Pearson, 4-6026
Anne Dolan, 217E Communications, 4-7065
Ellen Fairchild, 210 Student Services, 4-2364
Meg Gerrard, W112 Lagomarcino, 4-2119
James Hill, 3155 Sweeney, 4-4959
John Hoffman, General Services, 4-4568
Joyce Hornstein, 8 Insectory, 4-7293
Jamie Horwitz, 591 Design, 4-3543
Helen Jensen, 568 Heady, 4-6253
Joann Kinyon, 1471 Vet Med, 4-9411
Beverly Kruempel, 131 MacKay, 4-0864
John Littrell, 211A Lagomarcino, 4-5746
Sue Logan, 309 Beardshear, 4-9537
Ron Meyers, 1832 Vet Med, 4-0876
Cheryl Moller-Wong, 116 Marston, 4-9966
Celia Naylor-Ojurongbe, Sloss House, 4-4154
Roberta North, 202 Coover, 4-7709
Linda Poore, 113 Applied Sciences Complex II, 4-6770
Monica Porter, ISU Foundation, Memorial Union, 4-6535
Janet Richardson, 152 Library, 4-3672
Pat Robinson, 1213 Friley, 4-5637
Sandy Russell, 122 Beardshear, 4-4364
Lynn Sandeman, 102 Catt, 4-4831
Belinda Smalley, 1426 Vet Med, 4-8507
Kate Sordelet, Ames Lab, 305 Technical and Administrative Support Facility, 4-1376
Kathy Trahanovsky, 1608B Gilman, 4-5562
Jim Trow, Printing/Publications, 4-5247
Pam Williams, 140 Library, 4-0438
Sally Williams, 215A MacKay, 4-2320
Mary Ellen Wishart, 205 P.E. Building, 4-2029
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Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0418/assistors.html
Revised 4/17/97