Inside Iowa State
April 4, 1997
Senators hear P&T proposal
by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate got its first look at a proposed promotion and tenure policy during the April 1 meeting.Olivia Madison, chairperson of the ISU Committee to Review Promotion and Tenure Criteria and Procedures, presented an overview of the plan (see Faculty Conference story) and answered several questions from the senators.
In other business, the senate voted to discontinue the Master of Engineering major in the industrial education. However, in reality, the non-thesis major has not been discontinued. The department intends to offer a non-thesis option under the Master of Science degree.
Fall 1996 enrollment showed five students enrolled in the program. They will be allowed to complete their degree or transfer to the Master of Science degree.
The next senate meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 6, in 260 Scheman. The meeting is open to the public.
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
Copyright © 1997, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0404/senate.htmlRevised 4/3/97