Inside Iowa State
April 4, 1997
Work begins next week on new FCS facility
by Michelle Johnson
A groundbreaking ceremony for the new Palmer Human Development and Family Studies Building will begin at 4 p.m. Friday, April 11. The building site is adjacent to the east wing of MacKay Hall on central campus. In the event of rain, the ceremony will be in LeBaron Auditorium.Ceremony speakers include James R. Palmer and Barbara Raeder Palmer, State College, Pa.; President Martin Jischke; Family and Consumer Sciences dean Beverly Crabtree; and other college administrators.
The 21,600-square-foot facility will house the College of Family and Consumer Science's human development and family studies department and its various programs including the Child Development Laboratory School, the Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic and the Financial Counseling Clinic.
By housing these programs in one facility, the college demonstrates a model for integrating a range of services for families and children, and provides a learning lab for students and faculty, Crabtree said.
The cost of the project is $5.9 million, most of which has been raised through private donations from more than 1,500 alumni and friends of the college. Construction is expected to be completed in fall 1999.
The Palmers donated $1 million for the new building. Barbara Raeder Palmer graduated from Iowa State in 1946 in home economics. Jim Palmer received a degree in electrical engineering from ISU in 1944. For 31 years, Jim served as chief executive of C-COR Electronics Inc. Barbara was a director of C-COR for more than 23 years.
This project was the highest priority in the college's $16 million goal toward Campaign Destiny: To Become the Best, Iowa State's five-year, $300 million campaign.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0404/palmer.htmlRevised 4/3/97