Inside Iowa State
April 4, 1997
Interns sought in the President's Office
The Office of the President is offering one or more administrative internships during the 1997-1998 academic year, beginning Aug. 18. The intern(s) will assist with special projects and administrative tasks, including those in budget planning and analysis, that foster administrative skills. The internship is half-time and the intern(s) may be appointed for a semester or the full academic year.
The Administrative Internship Program seeks to enlarge the pool of ethnic minorities and women qualified for administrative positions, while providing interns an opportunity to view administration from the perspective of the sponsoring unit. To support the program, the President's Office contributes $2,500 per semester or $5,000 for the academic year, to partially cover the cost of replacement help in the intern's home department. Sponsoring areas are expected to contribute the balance of the cost as needed.
Tenured faculty and P&S staff may apply. Women and ethnic minorities particularly are encouraged to apply. Send application (including resume and letter from the supervisor or DEO supporting the application and request to be relieved of duties for the internship period) to President Martin Jischke, 117 Beardshear. The application deadline is Monday, April 28.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0404/intern.htmlRevised 4/3/97