Inside Iowa State
April 4, 1997
FCS dean finalists visit this month
by Michelle Johnson
Three finalists have been named in a search for the dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.The finalists are Shirley L. Baugher, professor and chair, family and consumer sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Maurice MacDonald, professor and chair, human development and family studies, ISU; and Carol B. Meeks, professor and department head, housing and consumer economics, University of Georgia, Athens.
The new dean will succeed Beverly Crabtree, who will step down from the position June 30.
The finalists will visit ISU in the coming weeks to interview and meet with various university groups. They also will meet with members of the university community and the public during open forums.
Open forums
4:10--5 p.m., Memorial Union
- Meeks: Thursday, April 17, Pioneer Room
- MacDonald: Monday, April 21, Gold Room
- Baugher: Thursday, April 24, Gold Room
Baugher has been professor and chair of the department of family and consumer sciences at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln since 1992. Previously, she served as deputy administrator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension Service. Baugher also held a variety of positions at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, including assistant director of the Minnesota Extension Service, and assistant and associate dean of the College of Human Ecology. She also served as director of vocational education for the Missouri State Department of Public Schools and has worked for the public school systems of Waynesville, Mo.; Mineral Wells, Texas; St. Elizabeth, Mo.; and Louisiana, Mo. Baugher received a BSEd. (1970) in home economics education and an M.A. (1971) in guidance and counseling from Northeast Missouri State University. She received a Ph.D. (1982) in education, with a focus in family and marriage counseling, from the University of Missouri, Columbia.
MacDonald joined Iowa State as professor and chair of human development and family studies in 1995. Previously, he served in a variety of positions at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, including professor and chair of the department of consumer science. He was involved with the University of Wisconsin's Institute for Research on Poverty and currently serves as an affiliate to the institute. MacDonald served as chair of the USDA North Central Regional Conference on Family Economics Research. He also served as an instructor for the Rockefeller Foundation Summer Training Project in Demographic Research in Taichung, Republic of China. MacDonald received an A.A. (1967) from Modesto Junior College, Calif.; A.B. (1969) in economics from the University of California, Santa Cruz; and an M.S. (1971) and Ph.D. (1974) in economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Meeks has been department head of housing and consumer economics at the University of Georgia since 1992 and on the faculty there since 1985. She also served as a research fellow at the National Institute for Consumer Research, Oslo, Norway, and a supervisory economist and housing section head in the economic development division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. She was an assistant and associate professor of consumer economics and housing at Cornell University, and an assistant professor with the University of Massachusetts Extension. Baugher received a B.S. (1968) in education, M.S. (1969) in management and housing, and Ph.D. (1972) in consumer economics and housing from Ohio State University, Columbus.
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