Inside Iowa State
April 4, 1997
Pease lecture
The department of health and human performance will host the Pease Family Scholar Lecture at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 10, in 244 Memorial Union. Larry Locke, emeritus professor of physical education at the University of Massachusetts, will give a talk titled "Songs from the Coal Mine Canary: Struggling with State Regulation of School Physical Education." The public is invited.Locke's research on developing high quality physical education programs in schools is critically acclaimed.
A reception will follow the lecture.
WOI Radio launches spring fund-raiser
WOI Radio staff and volunteers hope to raise $200,000 for the public radio stations during the spring fund drive that began today (April 4) and runs through April 11.Funds raised in the on-air event help pay for WOI AM and FM programs, equipment, news reporting and music, said Jim Dietz-Kilen, WOI development director. The station conducts annual spring and fall fund drives.
This month is the 75th anniversary of WOI Radio, which made its first regular broadcast on April 28, 1922.
Summer tuition grants
Tuition grant applications for summer semester for eligible merit (E and H base) and P&S (P base) employees are due by 5 p.m. Thursday, May 1, in the Office of Human Resource Services, 318 Beardshear. Application forms are available in 318 Beardshear or online in the merit and P&S sections of the Human Resource Services Web page.
Women in Touch
The Women in Touch series continues Wednesday, April 16, with a noon luncheon seminar in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Dianne Bystrom, director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, will talk on "The Voices of and for Women in the 1996 Elections." Recipients of this year's Carrie Chapman Catt Sex Equity Awards also will be recognized. The seminar costs $12 and is open to all university women. For more information, contact Claire Anderson, 4-4154.
Hyland Avenue paving
Reconstruction work on Hyland Avenue from Lincoln Way through the Pammel Drive intersection began March 31. On approximately April 2, Hyland will close from the 200-block to Oakland Street. On approximately April 16, Hyland will close from south of Oakland Street to Clear Creek (including Hyland's intersection with Pammel Drive at the northwest corner of campus). According to city officials, Hyland from 13th Street/Ontario Road to Clear Creek will remain open throughout the work, although there will be activity and equipment along the road. The Hyland intersection with West Street will remain open until mid-June.Pedestrians are asked to cross the construction zone only in designated crossing areas. The Cy-Ride green bus route has been re-routed to Sheldon Avenue, one block east of Hyland.
Workshop for new faculty, staff April 16
Faculty and staff hired within the past 18 months have been invited to a two-hour workshop on the issues facing higher education and particularly, Iowa State.The April 16 workshop uses a portion of the Succeeding With Students interactive learning exercise presented to many ISU faculty and staff in the fall of 1995.
"The workshop focus is on issues facing Iowa State and the important role university employees play in retaining our customers, including students, Iowans and the business community," said Vicky Thorland-Oster, training specialist in Human Resource Services.
The workshop will be 9 to 11 a.m. For more information, call 4-8914.
Gambling conference publications on sale
Research results from the ISU Gambling and the Family conference last fall have been published and are on sale for $20.Bound copies of the results include an overview of the ISU FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Poll on gambling and the family, and research findings on gambling as it relates to economic development, personal finances, children, college students and the elderly.
The FACS Poll was conducted by Glenn Roberts Research, Des Moines. Copies of Roberts' initial report on the poll results also are available for $15.
To order a copy of the results, mail a check, money order or purchase order (payable to Family and Consumer Sciences) to: Family and Consumer Sciences, Research and Graduate Education, 126 MacKay. For additional information, call 4- 0211.
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Revised 4/3/97