Inside Iowa State
March 21, 1997
New campaign option set
by Anne Dolan
Employees who contribute to Campaign Destiny: The Drive From Within now have another place to direct their gifts. The Professional and Scientific Council, in cooperation with the ISU Foundation and the Provost's Office, established the P&S Professional Development Fund earlier this month.Gifts to the endowed fund will supplement the $5,000 provided annually by the Provost's Office for P&S professional development activities grants. Under a new agreement, the Provost's Office will match the expendable interest (5 percent) generated by the fund, up to another $5,000 annually.
"This is a significant move forward. For several years, council members have expressed concern that requests for professional development assistance far outweigh the funds available," said Jim Meek, president of the P&S Council.
Those interested in contributing to the professional development fund should fill in account no. 0700118 on the "gift designation line" on their campaign pledge cards. All employees will receive pledge cards in March or April.
In other P&S Council business:
- Council members at the March 6 meeting reviewed notes compiled from small group discussions at a Feb. 6 P&S luncheon. About 70 P&S staff participated in discussions organized around three general topics: performance review and salary notification; professional development; and compensation and classification issues. Work continues on gleaning top issues from each topic for suggestions to act on, issues to be assigned to standing council committees and general information questions that can be clarified on a P&S Web page.
- The P&S professional development day will be Tuesday, May 27, at the Holiday Inn Gateway Center. The cost of the day-long event is $25 by April 30 and $30 after. Some topics will include active learning in the workplace, mentoring, positioning yourself professionally, community volunteerism and professionalism and ethics at ISU.
- Ralph Knox, an associate scientist at the Microelectronics Research Center and vice president of the council, is leaving Iowa State to work in private industry.
The next P&S council meeting begins at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 3, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. During the noon open forum in the Gold Room, Anne Swift, coordinator of the Financial Counseling Clinic, will cover the basics of family budgeting and the credit card "trap."
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Revised 3/19/97