Inside Iowa State
March 21, 1997
Lunch with Jischke
The next Conversation with President Jischke for the university community is a noon lunch Thursday, March 27, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. Pack your own lunch or purchase one in the food court. To make a reservation, call 4-2402.
Faculty advisers sought
Faculty advisers for several sororities and fraternities are being sought. These advisers help the chapters with scholarship programs and advise on day-to-day operations. Faculty need not have been in the Greek system to advise. For more information, contact the Interfraternity and Panhellenic councils, 4-2977, or Travis Muff, 268-0037, tmuff@iastate.edu.
Couples workshop planned
A two-part workshop on communication and managing money is being offered by the ISU Family Therapy and Financial Counseling clinics. The workshops are free and open to all Story County residents, but limited to 10 couples. A light supper is provided. The workshops are from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursdays. The first will be held March 27 and April 3; a second will be held April 24 and May 1. To register, call 4- 0534.
Catt equity awards
Nominations for the Carrie Chapman Catt Sex Equity Awards are being sought by the Women's Center advisory board. The awards recognize the contributions of women and men in fostering an atmosphere of equity and an understanding of issues affecting women. Faculty, staff and students are eligible for the awards. Deadline for nominations is Friday, March 28. For nomination forms or information, contact the Women's Center, 4-4154.
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Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/1021/announce.html
Revised 3/19/97