Inside Iowa State
March 7, 1997
Search opens for park director
by Skip Derra
The ISU Research Park Board has begun a search for a new president. An eight-member search committee is chaired by Ben Allen, dean of the College of Business."We are optimistic we will attract talented candidates because it is an exciting and challenging position," Allen said. "The president of the research park will be working with creative, high-energy entrepreneurs and providing leadership in fostering economic development for Iowa."
In addition to Allen, search committee members are Russ Cross, chair of the ISU Research Park board of directors and president, Norwest Bank, Ames; John Fitzgibbon, Des Moines business person; Kim Russel, CEO, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Ames; Jamie Wade, vice president and general counsel, Engineering Animation Inc., Ames; Deland Myers, associate professor, food science and human nutrition; Carol Bradley, director of governmental relations; and John Dobson, associate vice provost.
David Roederer, coordinator of economic development at the park, has been interim director of the research park since Jan. 1.
Nominations and applications should be sent to Ben Allen, chair, ISU Research Park Director Search Committee, Office of the Provost, 107 Beardshear. The position description is available on the park's web site at http://www.public.iastate.edu/~isupark/.
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