Inside Iowa State
March 7, 1997
Professional designation
Jacqueline Slaughter, manager of the book division in the University Book Store, has earned the Certified Store Professional designation from the National Association of College Stores. Certification recognizes an individual's experience, involvement in the college store industry, level of community service and successful completion of an exam.Research presentation award
George Inger, professor of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics, won the best research presentation award in the 1996 American Society for Engineering Education summer faculty fellowship program at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center, Langley, Va. Inger was one of 42 engineering and science fellows chosen from 121 applicants to participate in the program. Participants spent 10 weeks on site, conducting research and attending technical lectures. At the end of the program, they presented oral and written reports of their summer research experience. Inger's research involved X-33 (new generation space shuttle) entry heating. As first place winner, Inger will be invited back to Langley during the academic year to work with his NASA associate.
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Revised 3/5/97