Inside Iowa State
Feb. 21, 997
Thielen keynote speaker at institute
Thomas B. Thielen, vice president emeritus for student affairs, will be the keynote speaker at "Leadership Develop- ment in Higher Education," the 1997 Student Affairs Institute, March 2-4, at ISU.
Thielen, who retired as vice president Dec. 31, will speak on leadership development and reflect on his 20-year career in student affairs.
Other presenters include Owen Newlin, president, Iowa Board of Regents; Don Adams, executive assistant to the president, Drake University, Des Moines; Joan Claar, vice president and dean of students, Cornell College, Mount Vernon; Dave Ambler, vice chancellor-student affairs, University of Kansas, Lawrence; Margaret Healy, vice president for student affairs, Mankato State University, Minnesota; James Moore, dean of students, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis.; and Larry Dietz, associate vice chancellor-student affairs, University of Missouri, Kansas City.
For more information, contact the ISU Office of Student Affairs, 4-4420.
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Revised 2/19/97