Inside Iowa State
Feb. 21, 1997
New policy proposed for continuous adjunct faculty
by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate is expected to consider a resolution concerning continuous adjunct faculty during the March 4 meeting.The resolution calls for continuous adjunct faculty to be eligible for review and promotion and to receive salaries that are equitable to other faculty making similar contributions.
In 1990, a number of long-term, temporary faculty appointments were converted to continuous adjunct appointments. Currently, there are about 40 continuous adjunct faculty.
The resolution states these faculty members have "tenure- like status" since their appointments are continuous, "subject to termination only for cause."
The resolution was presented at the February meeting by Suzanne Hendrich, interim director of food science and human nutrition and chair of the Faculty Senate Council on Faculty Development and Administrative Relations.
In other business, the senate will elect a new secretary and council chairs.
Current secretary Barbara Mack, associate professor of journalism and mass communication, and Philip Van De Voorde, associate professor of library, have been nominated for secretary.
All the current council chairs have been renominated for their positions. They include Faculty Development and Administrative Relations - Hendrich; Academic Affairs - Tom Loynachan, professor of agronomy; Governance - Dean Ulrichson, professor of chemical engineering; and Judiciary - Jack Girton, associate professor of zoology and genetics.
Nominations will remain open until the election.
The senate meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in 260 Scheman. The meeting is open to the public.
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Revised 2/19/97