Inside Iowa State
Feb. 21, 1997
Faculty Forum: A look at how class work can build on internship, co-op experiences
by Anne Dolan
Internship and co-op programs for students - and how teachers can build on those experiences in their classes - will be the topic of the Faculty Forum and Dinner Monday, March 3, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room."We know these experiences are a valuable part of students' education," said Steve Richardson, director of the Center for Teaching Excellence.
"The question is, 'Is Iowa State interested in that knowledge when the student is back in class? Does it get folded into the coursework for all students to benefit from? Or are (internships and co-ops) simply a 'time-out' for the student?'"
Larry Hanneman, director of Engineering Career Services and adjunct associate professor of chemical engineering, will help initiate the discussion. Hanneman has 25 years of industrial research and development experience and 20 years of technical recruiting (co-op through Ph.D.) experience.
Through engineering cooperative education and internships, ISU students become employees of a business or government office for several months. The internships are an expanding component in students' education.
A College of Engineering goal is that by the year 2000, all bachelor graduates will have co-op or engineering internship experience of at least three months.
Forum social time begins at 5:30 p.m.; dinner ($10 at the door) is at 6 p.m.; and discussion starts at about 6:45 p.m. Reservations are due to Jane Henning, 4-2906, e-mail: njhenni@iastate.edu, by 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28.
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Revised 2/19/97