Inside Iowa State
Feb. 7, 1997
Big 12 launches faculty fellowship program
by Linda Charles
Iowa State faculty may visit other Big 12 universities to share ideas and research under a new fellowship program that began this month.Provost John Kozak recently announced the program will provide $2,500 fellowships to faculty to help pay transportation and living costs. Iowa State will offer six fellowships through August.
The fellowships generally will be for two weeks, but may be longer. However, a fellowship will not exceed $2,500, regardless of time or expense.
The fellowships will allow faculty to use libraries, consult with faculty and students, offer lectures or symposia or other activities mutually agreed on by the visitor and host institution. The fellowships are not intended to be used to attend seminars or symposia. Faculty will be responsible for arranging coverage of their classes and other responsibilities during their absences.
Participating faculty will be asked to submit to the Provost's Office a brief report describing the outcomes of the visits and offering suggestions for future planning.
Tenured, tenure-track and adjunct faculty in positions for at least six years are eligible for the program. Interested faculty should make preliminary contact with another Big 12 university to determine whether the institution is receptive to such a visit and what dates are available.
Fellowship applications are due March 1. If all the fellowships are not awarded, additional applications will be considered until July 1. Applications for the 1997-98 year will be solicited in July and awarded at the beginning of fall semester.
The initial selection of fellows will be made by the Faculty Senate Committee on Professional Development.
ISU academic units that wish to host a fellow from another Big 12 school must issue a letter of invitation, specifying the dates and any expectations (such as delivering a lecture series, meeting with graduate students or presenting a recital).
Visiting faculty members receive the fellowships from their home institutions.
Host departments are responsible for advising the visiting fellow about temporary housing, office space, research facilities, etc.
For application forms or more information, contact associate provost Ed Lewis, 4-5884, e-mail: eclewis@iastate.edu. The form also is available online at http://www.public.iastate.edu/~provost_info/Docs/big12facfllw frm.html.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0207/facFellowships.html
Revised 2/6/97