Inside Iowa State
Feb. 7, 1997
Dinner at the Tearoom
An evening meal will be offered Wednesday evenings spring semester at the Tearoom. The evening meal, at 5:30 p.m., is "slightly larger" than the noon meal and will cost $5. Lunch will continue to be served in the Tearoom, 23 MacKay, for $3.80. For reservations for lunch or dinner, call 4-3330.Child care list
The YWCA Spring Sitters' List includes information on more than 25 caregivers.The list is free to ISU students and $2 to others. Prior to receiving the list, parents must sign a waiver acknowledging they are responsible for checking references. The list is available at the YWCA, 15 Alumni Hall. For more information, call 4-1663.
MU services back
Several Memorial Union services that were discontinued during the building renovation have resumed. They include:
- Daily luncheon service in the Cardinal Room, for those desiring a more formal, quiet atmosphere and table service. Hours are Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
- Sunday brunch buffet in the Campanile Room. Hours are 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free parking in the MU ramp is included in the Sunday brunch.
Walk-ins are welcome at both the Cardinal Room and Sunday brunch. For reservations for either, call 4-4662 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
- The Chapel, for individual and small group use. The entry is inside the Browsing Library on the ground floor. The hours are the same for both: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Reception for ABC team
A reception to honor members of the team that replicated the Atanasoff-Berry Computer will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. A short program begins at 4:10 p.m. The ISU community is invited.Rec tournament
The annual Association of College Unions International (Region 10) Recreation Tournament will be held Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 8-9, at Iowa State. Students from universities around the Midwest will compete in billiards (in the Memorial Union recreation center), bowling (20th Century Lanes) and table tennis and darts (184 P.E. Building). The events are open to the public. For more information, contact Doug Wandersee, 4-4373, or Doug Swanson, 4-1233.TIAA-CREF workshops
Representatives from TIAA-CREF will present two free workshops on campus Tuesday, Feb. 18. The first, titled "Effective Budgeting," will cover establishing a budget, including the time and money required to achieve financial goals. The workshop will be held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Memorial Union Gold Room and repeated at 7 p.m. in 260 Scheman. Topics will include calculating your net worth, cash flow analysis, setting goals and guidelines on borrowing, and acquiring credit. The workshop is appropriate for early- and mid-career employees.The second workshop, appropriate for all employees enrolled in TIAA-CREF, will include a review of how TIAA-CREF can help employees plan for retirement. The hour-long workshop will be presented at noon in the Memorial Union Gallery and repeated at 7 p.m. in 250 Scheman. Topics will include the TIAA-CREF accounts, key principles when investing for retirement, a review of investment allocation strategies and tax-deferred savings opportunities.
To register for either workshop, call 4-3830.
Workshop for advisers of international students
A workshop for academic advisers of international students to discuss the unique legal, academic and cultural challenges facing non-immigrant students will be held Thursday, Feb. 13 from 2 to 3 p.m. in 234 Memorial Union. Reservations are requested to Jane Edwards, 4-0378, or Jocelyn Chong, 4- 5111.ISU center named insurance provider
Iowa State's Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy Center has been approved as a provider of physical therapy and athletic training services in the traditional indemnity, HMO and point of service benefits plans for faculty and staff. These plans will pay "usual and reasonable fees minus a deductible" for services at the center, said Jim Nespor, physical therapist. Located in the Lied Center, the center offers physical therapy and sports medicine care for ISU students and employees and their families.In most cases, center patients must be referred by a physician or another health-care professional, Nespor said.
Exhibits sought for science and technology fair
Organizers of the 1997 Iowa State Science and Technology Fair, March 21-22 in Hilton Coliseum, are seeking interactive or hands-on exhibits from campus departments and units. More than 500 middle and high school students (most are seventh- to ninth-graders) will enter projects in the fair. The exhibits are intended to give students a glimpse of some of the latest ideas coming out of Iowa State. Fair hours will be 12:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, March 21, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, March 22.Contact Liz Kurt, 4-6885, for more information or with ideas for exhibits.
Business conference for girls
The College of Business will offer a conference for young women (grades 8-12) interested in careers in business. "Exploring Opportunities for Our Future" will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, April 3, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. The fee for the conference is $10 through Feb.15 and $14 after. To register, contact Mary Harms, adjunct professor of marketing, 4-5800, email: mbharms@iastate.edu/~isubuscoll/.Fashion show
The ISU community is invited to the College of Family and Consumer Sciences' annual student fashion show, from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, in the LeBaron Lounge. The audience will vote on the pieces entered in the show, which include class projects and experimental designs -- drawings as well as apparel.
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Revised 2/5/97