Inside Iowa State
Feb. 7, 1997
WOI manager search under way
by Diana Pounds
A search is under way for general manager of WOI-AM and FM, Iowa State's public radio stations. The general manager directs the daily operation of both stations, leading a professional staff of 20 and part-time staff of 15.The search committee encourages all applications and nominations for the position, said search committee chair John Dobson, associate vice provost for research and advanced studies. The committee will begin screening applications April 1 and continue until the position is filled.
Applications and nominations should be sent to Dobson, Search Committee Chair, c/o Office of Vice President for External Affairs, 209 Beardshear.
The new general manager will succeed Rick Lewis, who left ISU five months ago.
The search committee includes George Carpenter, former vice president and general manager of WHO Broadcasting Co. and former executive director of Iowa Public Television; Art Neu, former Iowa lieutenant governor and WOI Radio development council member, Carroll; Douglas West, CFP, vice president and branch manager of A.G. Edwards & Sons, Des Moines.
ISU committee members are Dobson; Elizabeth Elliott, former associate dean in family and consumer sciences; Don Forsling, WOI senior producer; Sandra Gartz, secretary, office of vice president for external affairs; Rachel Jeffreys, WOI producer; Diana Pounds, manager of internal communications; Steffen Schmidt, professor of political science; Kirk Smith, associate professor of music; and Daniel Zaffarano, former vice president for research and dean of the Graduate College.
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Revised 2/6/97