Inside Iowa State
Feb. 7, 1997
February is Black History Month
by Dean Fiihr, News Service intern
Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman elected to Congress, will help the campus community celebrate Black History Month. Chisholm's talk, part of the Catt Center for Women and Politics' spring conference, is among several events scheduled throughout February.Chisholm will present "Who Speaks for Us? Women and the Political Agenda" at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, in Benton Auditorium, Scheman Building.
Chisholm is co-founder of the National Political Congress of Black Women and in 1972 became the first woman to campaign for the presidential nomination through a major party. She represented an inner city district in New York from 1968 to 1982 in the U.S. House of Representatives. She fought to increase day care funding for middle- and low-income families and worked to establish a national commission on consumer protection and product safety.
Other Black History Month activities include a workshop on ISU's African American studies program and a talk by author Frances Kendall. The workshop is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 14, from noon to 2 p.m. in the Memorial Union Oak Room.
"Students, faculty and staff can come together and talk about this program as a discipline," said interim director of African American studies Valerie Grim.
Grim said the workshop also will focus on how to strengthen the African American studies program.
Kendall will present "Strategies for Institutional Change During a Period of Backlash" at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Kendall wrote Diversity in the Classroom and consults on managing issues of work force diversity and organizational change.
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Revised 2/5/97