Inside Iowa State
Jan. 24, 1997
Keys on the Web
Faculty and staff now can request facilities services and keys via the World Wide Web. Request forms are available on the facilities planning and management Web homepage at http://www.fpm.iastate. edu/. For more information about the Request for Services form (also known as the "Blue Sheet"), call Archie Steenhard, 4-8378. For information about keys, call Lyn Firnhaber, 4-4211.New department chair
Diane Birt has been named chair of the department of food science and human nutrition, effective July 1. Currently, she is a professor of the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha. She also is a professor in biochemistry and in pharmaceutical sciences there. Birt was an assistant professor of human nutrition at ISU in 1975-1976.Pamela White has served as interim chair of the department since September 1995, when chair Wayne Bidlack left ISU.
Conversation with Jischke
The next Conversation with President Jischke will be a lunch at noon Friday, Jan. 24, in the Memorial Union Oak Room. Coffee and tea are provided; pack your lunch or buy one in the Memorial Union food court. For reservations, call 4- 2042.Retirement seminar
A two-part seminar for staff (and spouses) planning to retire by the end of this summer will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3 and 10, in 204 Scheman.The first session will cover Social Security, medical insurance costs, Medicare and how insurance fits in with Medicare. The second session will cover the university's retirement program options, general guidelines and a timeline for planning retirement and benefits after retirement.
The series is free; contact the Retirement Advising Office, 4-3830, to register.
Human relations awards
Nominations for human relations awards, given annually by the Student Affairs Human Relations Committee, are due by 5 p.m. Friday, March 7. Nomination forms can be obtained from John Lueth, Student Financial Aid, 12 Beardshear, 4-9986 (julu@iastate.edu); or Lois Becker, Office of the Registrar, 10 Alumni Hall, 4-2386 (lvbecke@iastate.edu). Nominations also may be made by e-mail to julu@iastate.edu. For more information, contact Lueth.Carnival of Health
The 13th annual Carnival of Health will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. "Get in Step with Health" will provide free health screenings (blood pressure, blood sugar, body composition, body fat, fitness tests, nutritional analysis), demonstrations (physical therapy and exercise equipment, first aid and recreation) and information on a variety of health concerns. Staff from Mary Greeley Medical Center will complete lipid profiles at a reduced cost. A step aerobics class, led by instructors from Recreation Services, will begin at 12:40 p.m. ISU varsity athletes will sign autographs throughout the day. For more information, call Gladys Nortey, 4-7968.Credit Union annual meeting
The ISU Credit Union's annual meeting will be held Friday, Feb. 28, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. A dessert social begins at 6:30 p.m.; the business meeting and election of directors begins at 7:30 p.m. Seating is limited. Call 232-6310 by Feb. 24 to reserve a seat.Jim Hutter, associate professor of political science, has replaced Eveadean Morrison Myers as one of five candidates for three open positions on the board of directors.
25-Year Club
Invitations to the 63rd annual banquet of the 25-Year Club have been sent to employees who have completed 25 years (or 300 cumulative months) or 35 years as of Dec. 31, 1996. If you have not received your invitation, contact Betty Licht, Retirement Information and Planning Office, 88 Scheman, 4- 3830, immediately to verify your eligibility.New members and 35-year employees will be honored as the club's guests and be recognized by President Martin Jischke at the banquet on Wednesday, March 26. The speaker will be Patrick Cleary, Engineering Animation. Details will be in the annual newsletter that 25-Year Club members should receive soon.
Energy conference
The 2nd Annual Iowa Energy Center Grantee Conference will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, in Scheman. The conference will feature center-funded research projects on energy, energy efficiency and energy information transfer. The conference is open to the public; preregistration is required. For more information or a copy of the conference proceedings, contact Sue Johnston, 4-3832.Lunchtime meeting for women
The University Committee on Women will hold a meeting for ISU women faculty and staff at noon Monday, Feb. 3, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. Social and professional isolation are the suggested topic for this meeting. All ISU women faculty and staff are invited.Free swimming lessons
Free Introductory Water Exploration classes for children ages 4 to 7 are being formed in conjunction with the Water Safety Instructor Course in the department of health and human performance. The classes are a practicum experience for university students.Sessions will be held from 6:15 to 7 p.m. Mondays, Feb. 3 to March 3, in the PEB pool. The course is geared toward elementary skill exploration, basic water safety, fitness and fun. Enrollment is limited.
For more information and to register, contact John McVan, aquatics specialist, 4-8174.
Proposals sought
The Iowa Energy Center is accepting proposals from organizations interested in collaborating on the development of a biomass energy demonstration facility. The facility will be designed to attract research partners from industry, business, government and education. Proposals are due Feb. 7. For more information, contact the center, 4-8819.Water quality seminars
The interrelationships between agricultural practices and water quality in the food production system of Iowa in the 21st century will be explored during a seminar series that will be transmitted via the Iowa Communications Network. The seminars will be held from Jan. 30 through March 29. All but the last seminar will be aired at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at 12 sites around Iowa. The final seminar will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 29, on the ISU campus.The first seminar will feature Darrell McAllister, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, who will discuss "Current and Future Quality of Iowa's Surface and Groundwater Resources."
The seminars may be attended free at the Brenton Center in Curtiss. To enroll, call 1-800-747-4478.
Women's Center library
The library at the Margaret Sloss Women's Center has been named for Wealtha Bevier, a high school science teacher in Sarasota, Fla. Bevier was instrumental in breaking down barriers to women in education. Her former student, Bernie Gerstein (who taught chemistry at ISU from 1962 to 1993), launched the effort to name the library for Bevier, who has received many teaching awards, including a National Science Academy Award. A fund has been established to purchase books for the Bevier library, including books dealing with education and gender issues.ISU directory changes
- Gary Clark 4-3862
- Maria-Nera Davis 4-3501
- Kari Ellingson 4-5716
- David Foster 4-4029
- Kathy Hein 4-0243
- Diana Keech 232-7094
- Teresa Miller 4-0243
- Winifred Neely 4-0237
- Lisa Wells 4-0248
Wrestling home season opens
The wrestling team opens its 1997 home season tonight (Jan. 24) against Oklahoma at 7 p.m. in Hilton Coliseum. Season tickets for six home wrestling events are $28 for faculty and staff. Single-meet tickets are $6. Tickets are available at the door before meets or by calling 4-1816.Basketball tickets
Single-game tickets for men's Wednesday home basketball games still are available for Feb. 5 (Baylor), Feb. 12 (Missouri) and Feb. 26 (Colorado). Single seats also are available for Feb. 22 (Nebraska). Tickets are $15 and can be ordered from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday by calling 4- 1816.The home game on Feb. 12 against Missouri will not be televised because of the conference's television contract with Creative Sports.
Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
Copyright © 1997, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0124/announce.html
Revised 1/23/97