Inside Iowa State
Jan. 24, 1997
Floodplain specialist to speak on campus
Gerald Galloway, dean of the faculty and academic programs at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Washington, D.C., will visit campus Feb. 5-6. He will present a seminar titled "No Silver Bullets: Management of the Floodplain in a Developing World," at 3:10 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, in 210 Bessey.
Galloway has served as a consultant to the U.S. Water Resources Council, the World Bank, the Corps of Engineers and other organizations. From 1988 to 1995, he served as a presidentially appointed member of the seven-person Mississippi River Commission. From December 1993 to July 1994 he was assigned to the White House to lead the Interagency Floodplain Management Review Committee in assessing the causes of the 1993 Mississippi River floods and proposing a long-term approach to floodplain management.
Since publication of the committee's report, he has testified before several committees of Congress.
For more information, contact Jeff Kopaska, 4-6936, jkopaska@iastate.edu.
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Revised 1/23/97