Inside Iowa State
Jan. 10, 1997
VISION 2020 funds 20 initiatives in first year
by Anne Dolan
Since the implementation phase of VISION 2020 began in January 1996, a total of 14 projects, as well as six partnerships (among ISU faculty and staff, their counterparts at Iowa community colleges and representatives from business and industry), have received funding totaling $246,524.The funded programs vary from a camp for Des Moines fifth- graders on food, the environment and career options in those areas, to a conference for swine farmers and packers in the Storm Lake area.
The partnerships tend to be longer-term collaborative efforts to develop specific educational programs. For example, one partnership aims to set up a writing center at Western Iowa Tech Community College for students for whom English is a second language. Another is coordinating coursework on renewable natural resources among the College of Agriculture and Iowa's community colleges.
Iowa State, in partnership with Iowa's 15 community colleges, received $1.5 million for a five-year implementation phase from the Kellogg Foundation, the sponsor of VISION 2020. The Provost's Office, ISU Extension and the seven ISU colleges are contributing more than $800,000 in cash and in-kind staff time.
Projects should focus on changes needed in food systems and the education of food systems professionals by the year 2020. Proposals are accepted year-round. For more information, consult the VISION 2020 homepage online at http://www.iastate.edu/~vision2020/.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0110/Vision2020.html
Revised 1/8/97