Inside Iowa State
Jan. 10, 1997
Woodman nominated for second term as faculty senate president
by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate will elect a new president for the last time during the Tuesday, Jan. 14, meeting.The general faculty recently approved senate by-law changes that include renaming the vice president as a president- elect. The president-elect automatically becomes president at the end of the term. Another by-law change moves the time for senate elections.
Senate president William Woodman, professor of sociology, has been nominated for a second term.
Nominated for president-elect are senate vice president Denise Vrchota, assistant professor of journalism and mass communication, and senate Council on Judiciary and Appeals chair Jack Girton, associate professor of zoology and genetics.
Nominations will be accepted until the time of the election. The president and president-elect will serve from May '97 to May '98.
Under the new system, nominations for president-elect will be taken at the December senate meeting and the election will be held at the January meeting. In February, nominations will be accepted for senate secretary and council chairs, with the election held in March. In April, colleges will elect college caucus chairs, and in May, new senators will be seated and senate committee memberships will be announced.
The senate meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in 260 Scheman.
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Revised 1/8/97