Inside Iowa State
Jan. 10, 1997
'97 faculty conference to look at P&T issues
by Linda Charles
Promotion and tenure issues will be the focus of the faculty conference Friday and Saturday, March 20-21, in Grinnell."The conference will examine what the promotion and tenure process will look like at Iowa State in the 21st century," said Denise Vrchota, Faculty Senate vice president and chair of the committee organizing the conference.
Richard P. Chait, professor of higher education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, will be the keynote speaker. Chait served as a consultant to the Minnesota Board of Regents during its recent look at the promotion and tenure system at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Following Chait's address, members of the Committee to Review ISU Promotion and Tenure Criteria and Procedures will discuss the status of their work. Then faculty will break into smaller groups to discuss various issues surrounding the promotion and tenure process.
Among issues to be explored will be the relevance of an accountability system to professional growth and development; possible revisions to the basic ISU promotion and tenure document and their impact on department and college promotion and tenure procedures; tenure's impact on overall accountability by the institution, departments and tenured individuals; and broader national issues related to tenure.
"We want representation from throughout the ranks, from assistant professors to full professors," Vrchota said. "We would like to have someone from every academic department and to have a good gender mix and representation from different cultural groups," she added.
Nominations for conference delegates should be sent to Jane Henning, Faculty Conference, 204 Lab of Mechanics, by Friday, Feb. 7. Nominations should include a brief statement on how the nominee would contribute to the conference discussions. Questions should be directed to Vrchota, phone: 4-5829, e- mail: vrchota@iastate.edu; or Ellen Rasmussen, assistant provost, phone: 4-0831, e-mail: ellenr@iastate.edu.
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