Inside Iowa State
Dec. 20, 1996
Foundation seeks leaders to assist in employee campaign
by Anne Dolan
All Iowa State employees will get the chance to participate in the university's capital campaign -- as donors, volunteers or both. Phyllis Lepke, vice president of the ISU Foundation, said the university component of "Campaign Destiny: To Become the Best" already has begun with the recruitment of leaders. University employees will be solicited for gifts in the spring. Lepke spoke during the open forum preceding the Professional and Scientific Council's Dec. 5 meeting.University employees contributed $9 million in gifts and deferred gifts in the university's last campaign, Partnership for Prominence, which raised $214.5 million. The goal of Campaign Destiny, which began July 1, 1995, and concludes June 30, 2000, is $300 million. All gifts from university employees remain confidential (they are not part of published lists)
Faculty and staff volunteers are needed to assist foundation representatives in campus presentations next spring. Lepke said volunteers won't provide technical information, but will help endorse the campaign.
In other business, the council approved the appointment of Jody Sanders, program assistant at the Rural Health Research Center, to complete the term of Laurie Vold, who resigned from Iowa State. Sander's term ends in June 1997.
The next P&S Council meeting begins at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 9, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. There will not be a noon open forum that day.
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Revised 12/19/96