Inside Iowa State
Dec. 20, 1996
Search on for FCS dean
Nominations for dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences are being sought by the recently appointed search committee. Nancy Eaton, dean of Library Services, chairs the committee.
"The College of Family and Consumer Sciences deanship should be a very attractive position," Eaton said. "ISU's program is a very strong one and has provided national leadership in these disciplines for a very long time. Iowa State created the first land-grant home economics program in the nation in 1871."
Nominations and applications should be sent to Nancy Eaton, chair, CFCS Dean Search Committee, Office of the Provost, 107 Beardshear. Nominations also may be given directly to members of the search committee. Nominations should be submitted by Feb. 1, 1997. Copies of the position description may be obtained from Eaton or through the FCS Web site at: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~cfcs/deansearch.html.
Search committee members include: Eaton; Harriet McLeod, graduate student, textiles and clothing; Eric Biga, student, hotel, restaurant, and institutional management; Barbara Stumbo, alumna; John Dasher, Ames businessman; Cornelia Flora, professor, sociology; Peggy Haafke, director of extension area education, Sioux City; George Kraus, professor and chair, chemistry; Roy Teas, distinguished professor, marketing; Ann Vail, assistant professor, FCS education and studies; Mark Love, associate professor, food science and human nutrition; Nancy Brown, associate professor, hotel, restaurant, and institutional management; Cynthia Fletcher, associate professor, human development and family studies; Mary Littrell, professor, textiles and clothing; and Ed Lewis, associate provost.
Beverly Crabtree, who has been dean of the college since 1987, will step down as dean June 30, 1997, but will remain on the faculty through the 1997-98 academic year.
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Revised 12/19/96