Inside Iowa State
Dec. 20, 1996
Senate: Make supplemental increases part of base salary
by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate has approved resolutions calling for recent supplemental salary increases to be added to faculty salary bases and increased efforts to obtain enough salary funds to give standard raises (for satisfactory performance) that are more than the rate of inflation.The two resolutions were presented by Mike Stahr, chair of the Faculty Senate Budget Committee, during the Dec. 10 senate meeting.
The first resolution asks that supplemental salary increases for the 1996-97 year "be immediately and irrevocably incorporated into the salary base for all continuing faculty members."
Iowa State's initial allocation last summer funded salary and benefit increases for faculty and P&S staff averaging 3.2 percent (salary increases alone averaged 2.9 percent). The difference between this amount and the 4 percent approved by the Iowa Legislature was to be made up from savings in the state's health care programs. For Iowa State, that amount is approximately $1.7 million. So far, Iowa State has received $680,483, which was applied in a lump sum to eligible faculty and P&S pay checks in October. Additional allocations are anticipated.
University officials anticipate that supplemental increases will be added to base salaries but that decision hasn't been made yet. Base salaries for FY97 are expected to be determined as the FY98 budget takes shape in the spring.
Senate members noted that several benefits, such as TIAA-CREF contributions, are figured on base salaries.
The second resolution, asking for more rigorous efforts in seeking salary funds from the Legislature, results from pay increases for satisfactory performance of 1.33 percent this year, an amount below the rate of inflation.
The result is a "steady decline in real income" for a "large and valued faculty group," according to the resolution.
The resolutions, which received unanimous approval by the senate, will be sent to President Martin Jischke.
Senate members nominated senate president Bill Woodman for a second term. Denise Vrchota, senate vice president, and Jack Girton, chair of the Faculty Senate Council on Judiciary and Appeals, were nominated for president-elect. The president- elect automatically will become president the next year.The senate is proceeding with nominations even though a final vote on a change in the bylaws (to change when elections are held and to change the vice president position to president- elect) has yet to be finalized. If approved, and the voting pattern strongly suggests the change will be approved, the senate will elect those officers at the January senate meeting. Nominations will be accepted until the election.
Faculty conference
Vrchota told the senate that nominations are being sought for the spring faculty conference, to be held March 21-22 in Grinnell. This year's conference will focus on promotion and tenure issues.Interested faculty members can nominate themselves or be nominated by their DEOs.
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Revised 12/19/96