Inside Iowa State
Dec. 6, 1996
Faculty/staff honors
Guest conductor
Robert Molison, professor of music and director of choral activities, conducted a concert of American choral music at the Novosibirsk State Conservatory, Russia, Nov. 6. During his eight-day stay at the conservatory, Molison also taught master classes in choral conducting and lectured on the organization and achievement level of choral music in American schools, colleges and community groups. The invited visit was part of the school's 40th anniversary celebration.Educator award
Mark Engelbrecht, dean of the College of Design, received the Iowa Educator Award from the Iowa Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.Team Excellence Award
The custodial re-design team from Facilities Planning and Management recently received the silver (runner-up) trophy in the 1996 Iowa Team Excellence Competition sponsored by the Central Iowa Chapter, Association for Quality and Participation. Team Excellence Awards recognize teams that have demonstrated the principles and techniques of improving quality through participation.Ag communications honors
Three ISU communicators received top honors from Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE), an association of communicators, many of whom work for land-grant universities.Laura Miller, a consultant for Extension Communication Systems, received the Award of Excellence from the Media Relations Special Interest Group for work in Extension's Safe Farm program. As part of that program, she helped produce radio announcements, publications, displays and news stories about farm safety.
Allan Schmidt, media production coordinator for the College of Agriculture, received the Award of Excellence from the Distance Education Special Interest Group. In his eight years at the college, Schmidt has produced more than 27 videotape courses and five satellite credit courses and presented research papers and poster displays at regional and international ACE conferences on distance learning.
Elaine Edwards, Extension communications specialist, received the Outstanding Professional Skill Award in Publications from the group's Critique & Awards program for her work to produce the 1996 Garden Calendar. The calendar was judged the best of publications entered in 11 categories in the C&A program.
International recognition
Ramesh Kanwar, professor, and Hongwei Xin, assistant professor, of agricultural and biosystems engineering, received honorary professorships from the Chinese Agriculture University (CAU), Beijing, during the 1996 International Conference on Agricultural and Bioenvironmental Engineering held at the university in August.Kanwar and Xin were recognized for their expertise in water quality and animal environmental control. They also signed a memorandum of understanding between ISU and CAU to seek faculty and student exchange programs between the two schools in the areas of animal environ-mental control, water quality and waste management.
Award of Excellence
Don Whalen, coordinator of residence life for University Student Apartments, received the 1996 Dick Daines Award for Excellence, Leadership and Service in Family/Apartment Housing from the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International, Apartments Committee. The award recognizes service that demonstrates an ongoing commitment to a college or university's mission statement and contributions of long-lasting benefits to the college or university.Distinguished research
Ben Allen, dean of the College of Business, received the 1996 Distinguished Transportation Researcher Award from the Transportation Research Forum, an independent organization of transportation professionals. Allen's research focuses on the effects of regulatory policies on managerial practices and effeciency in the transportation industry, and changing carrier-shipper relationships.Distinguished fellow
Tahira Hira, professor of human development and family studies, was elected the first distinguished fellow of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE). The founding president of AFCPE, Hira is a nationally recognized expert on personal finance and consumer debt. The distinguished fellow award recognizes Hira's longstanding service to AFCPE, leadership in financial counseling and planning education and high standards of professional and ethical conduct.Leadership award
Nancy Norman, associate director of the Social and Behavioral Research Center for Rural Health, received the 1996 National Board Leadership Merit Award from the Child Welfare League of America, which represents 425 child welfare agencies in the United States and Canada. The award is given to board members of child welfare agencies for noteworthy service.Norman has completed a two-year term as board president of Orchard Place-Des Moines Child Guidance Center. During that time, Norman led Orchard Place through a major expansion in its community delinquency program, expansion of its facility, restructuring of its residential operations and merger with the Des Moines Child and Adolescent Guidance Center.
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Revised 12/5/96