Inside Iowa State
Dec. 6, 1996
It's D-day for benefits enrollment
by Linda Charles
Faculty, P&S staff and supervisory staff who haven't enrolled in their new benefits plans should do so by 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6. That is the last day to select new benefits, said Johnny Pickett, assistant vice president for business and finance. Forms should be delivered to 16 Beardshear or entered online through AccessPlus (http://www. adp.iastate.edu/accessplus/disclaim.html).Default plan
Those who have not enrolled by Dec. 6 will be enrolled automatically in a default plan, described on page 47 of the Enroll-ment Guide (page 31 of the Non-Active Employee/Retiree Guide). The default plan does not include any Flex 2 option, even for those currently enrolled in this plan.Enrollment stood at about 10 percent last week, but Pickett said it is normal for about half of the enrollments to be received during the last two days. More than 700 employees and 500 retirees attended information sessions on the new plan.
Faculty, P&S and supervisory staff will receive confirmations of their selections by mid-December. They should check the confirmations carefully to make sure they reflect the coverage selected. Employees have until Dec. 31 to correct mistakes, Pickett said. New insurance cards and booklets describing the details of the plans will be sent out mid- to late-January.
The new basic life insurance and disability plans go into effect Jan. 1, 1997. New health and dental coverages, as well as supplemental life and dependent life coverages, go into effect Feb. 1, 1997. Jan. 31 paychecks will reflect deductions for the entire new benefits program.
For more information about the new benefits plan, contact the Benefits Office, 16 Beardshear, 4-7680, or check the online information at: http://www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/benefits/isuplan/main.html.
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Revised 12/5/96