Inside Iowa State
Dec. 6, 1996
Conversation with the President
The campus community is invited to a breakfast and conversation with President Martin Jischke at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 19, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. (This previously was announced as a lunch.) Breakfast may be purchased in the ground floor food court or brought in. Coffee and tea are provided. To make a reservation, call 4- 2042.Tuition grants
Tuition grant applications for spring semester for eligible merit (E and H base) and P&S (P base) employees are due by 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 23, in the Office of Human Resource Services, 318 Beardshear.Applications and eligibility information are available in 318 Beardshear; by calling Trudy Clawson, 4-6458. The forms also are online: (http://www.public.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/merit for merit employees, and http://www.public.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/p&s for P&S employees).
TIAA-CREF offers online transactions
TIAA-CREF has a new online Inter/ACT site that allows clients to view monthly premiums and accumulations, change allocations and transfer funds to some accounts. To log into the page, you need both your Social Security number and TIAA- CREF PIN number. If you don't know your PIN, you can get a new one by calling 1-800-842-2252 Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-10 p.m. (CST). The Web site address is: https://ais.tiaa- cref.org/aisframe.htm.Study subjects sought
Women experiencing menopausal symptoms are needed for a study in ISU's Human Metabolic Unit. Researchers seek to determine the effects of soy protein with isoflavanoids (estrogen-like compounds) on the menopausal transition. To participate, women must be a healthy weight and not taking any regular medications. Those qualifying for the study will receive $300. The study will begin in January and continue for 24 weeks. For additional information, call 4-8673.New resource for families in business
The Iowa Small Business Development Center, an outreach unit of the College of Business, has a new program for Iowa families in business. The Iowa Family Business Forum features quarterly, full-day workshops for family members in business. Members also receive Family Business Matters, a quarterly newsletter.The next forum will be Friday, Dec. 13, at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Des Moines. Nancy Upton, director of the Baylor University Family Business Institute, will be the featured speaker. Contact Bob Parker or Lars Peterson at 1-800-373- 7232 for information and registration.
Honors seminars proposals
The University Honors Program Committee is accepting proposals for Honors seminars for 1997-98. Honors seminars, open only to Honors students, provide students an opportunity to examine topics of current or special interest. The one- or two-credit seminars are limited to 15 students.Proposals are due Feb. 7, 1997. Those interested in submitting proposals or who need more information should contact the Honors Office, Osborn Cottage, 4-4371.
Foreign travel grants
Foreign travel grant applications for Jan. 17-Aug. 15, 1997, are due to the chair of the Faculty Senate Committee, Faculty Senate Office, 101 Lab of Mechanics, by noon Jan. 30, 1997. Check with deans' offices for college deadlines.Jischke on Iowa Press
President Martin Jischke will be the guest on the Sunday, Dec. 8, edition of Iowa Press on Iowa Public Television. In the Des Moines/Ames area, the program airs on IPTV (channel 11) at noon and 7 p.m.Swan movement restricted for winter
The trumpeter swans on Lake LaVerne have been moved inside a fenced enclosure at the west end of the lake for the winter. There is an aerator there so they will have open water. If you see the birds outside of the enclosure, call the Department of Public Safety, 4-4428, so the swans can be returned to the open water.Phone directory corrections
Fall poster presentation
- Gwyn A. Beattie, 4-5571
- Stanley Burns, 4-3553
- James S. Dickson, 4-4733
- Anne Dolan, 4-7065
- Cheryl Renee Ervin, 4-2724, 337 Kildee
- N. Lakshmanan, 4-4209, 201E Kildee
- Larry J. Halverson, 4-0495
- David Roederer. 6-6832
The Fall 1996 Poster Presentation of graduating Honors students' Honors projects will be from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Refreshments will be served.25-Year Club
Employees who have or will have been with Iowa State for at least 25 years or 300 cumulative months as of Dec. 31 are eligible for membership in the ISU 25-Year Club. Eligible employees should contact Betty Licht, Retirement Information and Planning Office, 4-3830, to confirm that they are on the list. New members will be recognized by President Martin Jischke at the annual club banquet on Wednesday, March 26, 1997. Employees who have served ISU for 35 years also will be honored.Incomplete grades
Incomplete grades may be granted if a student is doing passing work but is unable to complete the work by the end of the term due to circumstances beyond his/her control. Valid reasons for an incomplete mark must be presented to the instructor by the student or the student's adviser. If approved, the instructor and the student must complete an Incomplete Mark Report form. The form must be signed by the instructor and the student. The instructor enters an "I" on the final grade report, attaches the form to the report and submits both to the Registrar.
Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/1206/announce.html
Revised 12/5/96