Inside Iowa State
Nov. 15, 1996
Jischke seeks faculty help on year's priorities
by Linda Charles
President Martin Jischke told the Faculty Senate Nov. 5 he is both hoping for and depending upon faculty involvement for three of his priorities for this academic year.Those priorities include reviewing several issues affecting students and faculty, promotion and tenure guidelines and campus climate surveys.
Jischke said he asked the provost and the senate to identify issues in response to a recommendation by the Pappas Consulting Group, which reviewed ISU's progress in following up on a 1989 organizational audit. Six task forces will look at the faculty reward structure, curriculum innovations, entry to ISU, advising and mentoring, teaching and learning, and special student populations.
Jischke noted the review of promotion and tenure guidelines, a cooperative project of the administration, faculty and senate, also fulfills a Pappas recommendation to review the faculty workload.
Finally, Jischke said, he has asked the senate to review campus climate surveys that were conducted by the Diversity Steering Committee, to see if the data suggest any changes that could make the university climate more welcoming.
Disappointed with rally
Jischke also told the senate he was "disappointed" with the students in the Sept. 29th movement who held an unauthorized rally in Beardshear Hall Nov. 5."I was disappointed that the students would hold an unapproved rally inside a building at the university," Jischke said. "I was disappointed that they did not take advantage of the several alternatives that would be approved, that were suggested, including meetings on the steps of Beardshear and in front of the Campanile or the Memorial Union.
"I am disappointed that the students continue to refuse to accept my offer to meet with them," he added. "It would appear that they're more interested in protest than progress. I am still prepared to meet with them, to listen to their concerns, to enter into discussions, but they must understand that the rules the university has apply to everybody, all of us, including them."
Moderator would be 'unfortunate precedent'
Jischke's comments came in response to questions by Sen. Clare Cardinal-Pett, assistant professor of architecture. Cardinal-Pett also asked about the Sept. 29th Movement's insistence that a meeting between members and the president include a moderator."I think it would be an unfortunate precedent for the president's interaction with students, or faculty, or staff to be mediated by a moderator," Jischke said.
He added that allowing a moderator would imply that his discussion with the students was a negotiation. "I don't think that's the relationship between the president and the students," he said.
Jischke said he has offered to meet with the students in his office, the Memorial Union, the Black Cultural Center and "any suitable place, and to do it in public with others if that's what would help."
Sad circumstance
In response to a question by Sen. Bruce Smith, professor of art and design, the president called the arrest of an ISU student on charges of falsely reporting an assault "an extraordinarily sad circumstance"Smith asked Jischke if the university is providing counseling to Mitchell and expressed his hope that Mitchell would not be forced to withdraw from the university.
Jischke affirmed that university officials and others have been counseling Mitchell.
"We have worked very hard to keep his family informed and involved in these discussions," he added. "My hope is that we can be helpful and, in fact, that this young man can come to grips with what has happened and learn from it.
"And I hope that we all do. And I hope that the spirit of the response of this community to what is, in my view, at least a personal tragedy, is a sense of concern and compassion. This was very, very unfortunate. Not just for Mr. Mitchell but for others as well."
Bylaw changes
In other business, the senate approved changes to its bylaws to turn the vice president position into a president-elect. This year the senate will elect the president-elect during its December meeting.Senators were informed that the spring retreat will be March 21-22 in Grinnell. Participants will discuss promotion and tenure at Iowa State.
The next senate meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10, in 260 Scheman.
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Revised 11/14/96