Inside Iowa State
Nov. 15, 1996
Still time to donate
It's not too late to make a contribution to the campus United Way campaign, says James Melsa, dean of the College of Engineering and ISU United Way division chair.
"We are extremely close to reaching our monetary goal," Melsa said. "We're only $7,000 short of the $160,000 goal."
Only 69 percent of Iowa State employees have returned their campaign envelopes. Melsa said the university strives for a 100 percent return, adding he is hopeful that the majority of those who have yet to return their envelopes will do so soon.
The campus campaign ended Oct. 15, but donations still are being accepted. ISU is part of the county United Way campaign, which runs through November.
Campaign envelopes should be turned in to area leaders. Those who don't have a campaign envelope or don't know their area leader should contact Melsa's office, 4-5935.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/1115/UnitedWay.html
Revised 11/14/96