Inside Iowa State
Nov. 15, 1996
Espinoza: P&S pay grades should be reassessed
by Anne Dolan
Carla Espinoza, assistant vice president for human resource services and interim affirmative action officer, told members of the Professional and Scientific Council it's time to reassess the P&S pay grade system. Espinoza was an invited guest at the council's Nov. 7 meeting.Espinoza noted that Iowa State has a high number of reclassification requests each year -- often because managers see it as their best shot at getting salary increases for employees -- and that the market has changed since the pay grade system was revised four years ago.
Espinoza, who arrived at Iowa State five months ago, said she is reviewing all the areas under her responsibility to see what the key issues are in classification systems, compensation, the work culture, grievances, the employee assistance program and others. She still is in a fact-finding stage, she said.
When asked about an ombudsperson for Iowa State, Espinoza said she doesn't endorse the concept, both because it places that person in a no-win situation and because it's a "retail" (one at a time) rather than wholesale method to resolving problems in employee relations.
Espinoza noted that universities increasingly are run like businesses, but that people issues still are important. "The race has changed, but we still need to put into place processes so that people issues are reintroduced and addressed," she said.
In other business, council president Jim Meek reported that a letter summarizing the council's vote on the proposed renaming of Cyclone Stadium/Jack Trice Field was sent last month to vice provost Patricia Swan, who chairs the committee reviewing the proposal. A council proposal to support the Government of the Student Body proposal passed by one vote. Meek noted that the close vote indicates the need for more dialogue within the ISU community.
Following are other highlights:
- Darlene Gluck, chair of an ad hoc Special Events Committee, reported that plans have begun for a professional development event for P&S staff, most likely in April. The half-day or full-day event will focus on dealing with change in the workplace and strategies for lifelong learning. P&S staff who would like to help plan the event should call Gluck, 4-8598.
- Meek reminded council members that their annual luncheon with members of the State Board of Regents is Thursday, Nov. 21, in the Memorial Union Gold Room.
- John Eckert and Lynnette Witt, personnel officers with the Ames Laboratory, spoke briefly about the Ames Lab layoffs (see news brief on page 2).
- The council approved changing the Retention and Recruitment Committee's status from ad hoc to standing.
The next council meeting is at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. A noon open forum in the Campanile Room will feature Phyllis Lepke, ISU Foundation, who will outline what the capital campaign means for P&S staff.
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