Inside Iowa State
Nov. 1, 1996
'Active learning' focus of next forum
by Anne Dolan
Finding classroom strategies that get students more involved in the subject matter -- that is, promoting "active learning" -- is the focus of the second Faculty Forum and Dinner of the season. The forum, which will begin with remarks from Barbara Licklider, assistant professor of professional studies in education, is Monday, Nov. 4, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room.The notion of active learning has developed over the last dozen years or so, said Licklider, among cognitive psychologists who note that learning occurs best through social interaction and less competition. Active learning promotes a variety of methods, including students working together in and outside of class, as well as class lectures.
"Active learning doesn't mean you never lecture," Licklider said, "but it does tend to make teachers facilitators rather than givers of knowledge."
Licklider is involved in Project LEA/RN, a faculty-led, faculty development program aimed at helping classroom instructors learn more about helping their students learn better. This fall marks the third year of the program.
During the forum, Licklider said she hopes to involve participants in defining what active learning is and how it can be done well.
The discussion begins at approximately 6:45 p.m. in the Memorial Union Campanile Room, and is preceded by dinner at 6 p.m. and a social time at 5:30 p.m. Faculty and their guests are welcome to come for any of the segments.
Those eating dinner are asked to make a reservation with Jane Henning (4-2906, njhenni@iastate.edu) by 5 p.m. today (Nov. 1).
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Revised 11/01/96