Inside Iowa State
Nov. 1, 1996
Communication workshop offered
The Student Counseling Service is offering a workshop aimed at promoting interracial communication on campus. "Black, White and Beyond: Enhancing Interracial Communication" was developed by Suzanne Zilber, counseling psychologist, and is presented by interracial pairs of student facilitators.
The workshop addresses such issues as the role of power and racism in communication difficulties, how people of different cultures communicate and the stages of racial identity and awareness.
The workshop may be booked for classes or groups. To schedule a workshop, contact Martha Norton, 4-5056, e-mail: mnorton@scs.admin.iastate.edu.
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Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/1101/commWkshop.html
Revised 10/31/96