Inside Iowa State
Nov. 1, 1996
Nutcracker ballet
Tickets for The Nutcracker are on sale now. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, and 2 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 14-15. All performances are at C.Y. Stephens Auditorium. Tickets are $10-$12, with some discounts, and available at the Iowa State Center box office, all Ticket-Master outlets or by phone, 233-1888.Lunch with Tim Floyd
Men's basketball head coach Tim Floyd again will host monthly luncheons for faculty and staff during the 1996-97 season. Lunches begin at noon in the Friley Hall Hideaway Room, accessible from the west dining room (enter Friley on the west side). Lunch may be purchased for $5.25 or brought. The first luncheon is Thursday, Nov. 7.Cyclone shoot-out Nov. 2
The annual men's basketball Cyclone Shoot-Out has been changed to Saturday, Nov. 2, to follow the Iowa State-Kansas football game. Hilton Coliseum doors will open at 4 p.m. and an autograph session begins at 4:15 p.m.Tickets are $5 for adults and $2 for students and children and are available at the Jacobson Athletic Building ticket office, and The Sports Page and Norwest Bank in Ames. Tickets will be available Nov. 2 at the Hilton Coliseum Box Office, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Tickets purchased for the originally scheduled Oct. 31 date will be honored.
Honorary degree nominations sought
The Committee for Honorary Degrees is seeking nominations from faculty for honorary degrees to be awarded in May 1997 and beyond. Honorary degrees are awarded to those whose careers have shown extraordinary achievement in scholarship, research and development or in a creative activity. For more information, check pages 61 and 127-128 in the Faculty Handbook, fall 1996 edition, or contact Judy Brun, committee chair, 4-6444. Nominations are due Nov. 29 and should be sent to: Chair, Committee for Honorary Degrees, Faculty Senate, 103 Lab of Mechanics.Carver visiting scholar joins Jischke on WOI Radio
Lynda Jordan, George Washington Carver visiting scholar, will join President Martin Jischke on the Wednesday, Nov. 6, Talk of Iowa radio show. Talk of Iowa, which airs weekdays on WOI-AM, begins at 10 a.m.Tuition chances
The ISU Parents Association is sponsoring its annual tuition raffle. Prizes include full and partial scholarships and gift certificates to the University Book Store. Tickets ($5 each or five for $20) may be purchased in the Dean of Students Office, 210 Student Services Building, or at Casino Night during Parent and Family Weekend, 8-11 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. The drawing will be held during Casino Night; winners do not need to be present to win. Proceeds will go to fund parent association projects.Campus directories arrive next week
Campus directories for the 1996-97 year should be delivered to the University Book Store by Friday, Nov. 8. The $1 directory can be purchased with cash or an intramural purchase form. (Save your old books; they'll be picked up for recycling on Friday, Nov. 22.) Due to some quality problems in the initial printing of the directories last month, the books are being reprinted at no cost to Iowa State. To receive current directory information, call "0" or 4-4111 from an on-campus phone, or click on "Phonebook" on the Iowa State homepage on the World Wide Web.A week in the life of an athlete
Steve McDonnell, manager of athletic academic services, will present "A Week in the Life of an ISU Athlete" at 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14, in 171 Durham. ISU student athletes will participate in the program, which is part of the chemical engineering senior seminar. The program is open to the university community.
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Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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Revised 11/01/96