Inside Iowa State
Oct. 18, 1996
Distribution policy draft disputed
Partnership Press, which owns The (Ames) Daily Tribune, filed a lawsuit Sept. 19 in U.S. District Court protesting Iowa State's new draft policy on campus distribution of both on- and off-campus publications.
Iowa State's policy would limit the location and manner of distribution of publications and was drawn because increasing numbers of publishers have been placing materials in entryways, creating litter and potential fire and safety hazards, said vice president for business and finance Warren Madden.
For example, commercial newspapers seeking on-campus distribution include the Tribune, USA Today, Des Moines Register, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times and Wall Street Journal. In addition, several free commercial publications, such as the University Times, Campus Reader, Toons and City View, also are distributed on campus. Finally, there are numerous campus publications, such as the ISU Daily, Drummer and various college student publications.
The policy regulates the locations where publications can be distributed, Madden said. Off-campus publications may be distributed at Beardshear, Carver and Kildee (Lush Auditorium) halls, as well as the Hub, Lied Recreation Center, Memorial Union, Scheman and Veterinary Medicine. In addition, there are nine sites within the residence halls.
On-campus affiliated publications may be distributed at those sites plus most academic buildings, Madden said.
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Revised 10/16/96