Inside Iowa State
Oct. 18, 1996
Phone book recycling program continued
The 4th annual phone book recycling effort on campus is under way, with the pick-up date scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 23.
Spearheaded by the ISU Recycling Committee, the project aims to land used phone books in a recycling bin, rather than a trash bin. Campus directories as well as city phone books will be collected.
Recycling committee volunteers collected 6.63 tons of phone books last fall. The goal this year is to increase that feat by 10 percent. Two years ago, nearly three tons of phone books were collected for recycling.
Here's the plan:
Collected phone books are returned to the commercial publishers, who use the paper to produce more phone books. Questions should be directed to Gloria Erickson, 4-7977.
- As new phone books arrive on campus this fall, save your old ones (temporarily) at a location inside your building. Telephone coordinators, building supervisors, recycling volunteers and custodial staff will identify a location in your building.
- Building custodians will move the old phone books outside near each building's loading area on Friday, Nov. 22.
- A group of staff and student volunteers will drive motor routes Saturday, Nov. 23, to collect the phone books from all outside locations.
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Revised 10/16/96