Inside Iowa State
Oct. 18, 1996
FCS gambling conference Oct. 31
by Michelle Johnson
Faculty research on a variety of gambling-related issues will be unveiled during a day-long conference hosted by the College of Family and Consumer Sciences."Gambling and the Family" will be held Thursday, Oct. 31, at the Scheman Continuing Education Building.
Conference topics will include gambling and the elderly, college students and gambling, children and casinos, family finance and gambling, and the effects of gambling on tourism and small businesses.
Following are highlights of some of the research that will be presented during the conference.
The conference is open to the public and costs $75.
- Tahira Hira, professor of human development and family studies, will present "Gambling Among College Students: Some Insights." Hira will share what students in focus groups said about their involvement in gambling activities, what motivates them to gamble and how gambling affects their finances and study habits.
- Corly Petersen, professor of human development and family studies, will discuss child care in casinos, a current topic of debate in Iowa. Petersen will share results from research conducted in Las Vegas. She examines the effort by casinos to promote gambling as family entertainment. Petersen's research also addresses underage gambling and how Iowans can make proactive decisions about proposed child care facilities in Iowa casinos.
- Two studies by Cathy Hsu, assistant professor of hotel, restaurant and institution management, address key issues in the gambling debate -- the draw of tourists and the economic impact of gambling.
- Professor and chair of the human development and family studies department Maurice MacDonald will present the results of the FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Poll on Gambling and the Family. MacDonald will share what 600 randomly selected Iowans had to say about their own gambling habits and how gambling affects families in Iowa.
ISU faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the conference, at no charge, as space allows. There will be a $15 charge to attend a luncheon and receive educational materials on the conference.
To register for the conference, call the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-5980.
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Revised 10/16/96