Inside Iowa State
Oct. 18, 1996Conversation with Jischke
The next Conversation with the President will be held at 7:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 25, in the Memorial Union Regency Room. Breakfast may be purchased in the downstairs food court. Coffee and tea are provided. For reservations, call 4- 2042.
Extension tent draws 85,000
More than 85,000 people visited the ISU Extension tent at the 1996 Farm Progress Show, Sept. 24-26 at the Amana Colonies. The tent featured more than 20 displays including sun protection to prevent skin cancer, a model bathroom accessible to all, alternative swine production systems and computers connected to the World Wide Web.The displays were staffed by volunteers and employees from the University of Iowa, the Cedar Rapids medical community, American Cancer Society, Easter Seals, Master Gardeners, USDA Animal Damage Control, retired extension staff and more than 300 ISU employees.
New JLMC chair
John Eighmey is the new department of journalism and mass communication chairperson.Prior to joining the ISU faculty, Eighmey was professor of advertising at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. He also previously served as an associate professor of advertising in the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., and as an assistant professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind.
Leaf raking
Students in the residence halls and Greek system will do yard work for area residents on Sunday, Oct. 27. Proceeds will go to the ISU Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. To make an appointment, contact Jeremy Galvin, 292-0709, e-mail: jgalvin@iastate.edu.
Theta Chi benefit dinner
A spaghetti dinner to benefit the men of Theta Chi Fraternity, whose home was destroyed in a fire earlier this month, will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, at the First Baptist Church of Ames, 200 Lynn Ave. Cost is $4 for all you can eat. For more information, contact Jeremy Galvin, 292-0709.
Basketball season tickets
Season tickets for the Cyclone men's and women's home basketball games are on sale now. Faculty/staff season tickets for the men's season are $228 for the 19-game package. Faculty and staff may buy up to two season tickets at this rate; additional season tickets cost $285. A five- game holiday package ticket costs $75. Single game tickets go on sale Nov. 1.Faculty/staff season tickets for the women's season are $42. Single game tickets are available for $4.
For more information, contact the athletic ticket office, 4- 1816.
$400,000 grant aimed at improved math education
The College of Education has been awarded a $400,000 grant from the Exxon Education Foundation for a project to improve math education.ISU will partner with King-Perkins Elementary Schools, Des Moines, for the project, called MathCo. The goal of MathCo is to create a model teacher preparation and staff development program based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum and evaluation standards. MathCo will focus on educational change at ISU and King-Perkins.
The ISU students participating in MathCo will take math courses at ISU and participate in math classrooms at King- Perkins. Each will spend approximately 200 hours at King- Perkins prior to student teaching, said E. Ann Thompson, professor of curriculum and instruction.
King-Perkins teachers will be able to take workshops and graduate courses in mathematics education at ISU.
Thompson and Janet Sharp, professor of curriculum and instruction, will direct ISU's involvement in MathCo.
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Revised 10/16/96