Inside Iowa State
Oct. 4, 1996
SUB film series continues this fall
The fall '96 installment of the Student Union Board film series enters week No. 6 this weekend with two showings of Farewell, My Concubine. Produced in 1993, the film looks at the lives of two Chinese opera singers during and after communism. The movie begins at 8 p.m. tonight (Friday) and Saturday in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. Admission is $2; the popcorn is free.
The film series is selected and sponsored every semester by the Student Union Board for the ISU and Ames communities.
The series aims to provide a variety of films for adults, said Doug Wandersee, program adviser at the Memorial Union.
"We try to include as many different eras, styles and genres as we can, with a mix of foreign and domestic films," Wandersee said. "We steer clear of the summer blockbuster types in favor of films of critical acclaim or with an educational element."
Following is the schedule of SUB films for the rest of fall semester:
- Oct. 10-12 Clerks (1994)
- Oct. 17-19 Cooley High (1976)
- Oct. 24-26 Citizen Kane (1941)
- Oct. 31-Nov. 1 The Shining (1980)
- Nov. 7-9 Barcelona (1994)
- Nov. 14-16 Dr. No (1962)
- Dec. 5-7 Blade Runner (1982)
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/1004/SUBfilms.html
Revised 10/3/96